There are some Swedish popular foods that I've yet to develop a taste for, among them the semla. Today is national semla day, known in the vernacular as "fettisdag" (a play on words; you can split the word in two different ways: fet+tisdag [fat+Tuesday] or fettis+dag [fatso+day]). However you split it, the point is to eat this cardamom-spiced wheat bun which has its top cut off and insides scooped out, and is then filled with a mix of the scooped-out bread crumbs, milk and almond paste and topped with whipped cream. The cut-off top serves as a lid and is dusted with powdered sugar. Traditionally, it was eaten in a bowl of hot milk, though nowadays most people eat it with a cup of coffee or tea. And I don't eat it at all...just the though of all that whipped cream makes me slightly nauseated.
Which isn't to say that I do not have my own sugar vices. I'm sure the Swedes would turn their noses up at the thought of consuming one of my favorite junk foods, the Pop Tart. I'll be the first to admit that it has absolutely no redeeming qualities (or nutritious value) whatsoever. Still, it is my personal favorite sinful delight. In my defense, I will say that I only bought one package on my recent trip to the U.S. and managed to save half of the servings and transported them home with me. They barely survived the trip intact as evidenced by the photo below but that did not decrease my pleasure in consuming them.
As the French would say, "chacun a son goût!"
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