I remember vividly walking up to my soon-to-be singing circle leader at the term kickoff in 1998 and explaining that I did not know one single song in Swedish. I wondered how that was going to work. He said, "Förstår du vad jag säger nu?" (Do you understand what I am saying now?) When I replied, "Ja," he assured me that it would all work out just fine. And so it did.
That was the first step in my long journey with ALLA KAN. After that singing circle, I signed up for a week-long course on an island in the Archipelago, and then joined the board of Sångföreningen ALLA KAN (a singing club comprised of circle participants). Eventually, after going through the leader training program, I began leading circles of my own. And then assisting Monica Sperens (ALLA KAN's founder) in the summer courses and leader training program. There have been singing trips to La Gomera, Corsica and London. Countless singing parties and mini-courses. And a number of friendships forged along the way.
So Happy Birthday ALLA KAN and thank you for the joy you've brought into my life! Ja, må du leva!