Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 226: Breathing again...

...through both nostrils. There is really nothing that beats feeling fine after having been sick. And being genuinely welcomed back to work, even after a relatively short absence.

I lead a charmed life. Not hard at all to find things to be happy about. Grateful.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 225: The heart grows fonder

Throughout the course of the many years I've been in the workforce, this is the first time I've ever received so many messages when I've been out sick. Facebook, text messages, phone calls, e-mails.

An example (via text message):

"Welllllll, where are you? Get well and come here now. Where is our time police? Our organizer? And where is the fruit? And the coffee is neeeevvvvvver ready nowadays. And all the Sondheim love that flows from you?"

Yup, the business world could learn a thing or two from theater people.

My heart runneth over...thank you wonderful colleagues! I'll be there tomorrow (and will leave my germs at home, promise)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 224: Teamwork

Off I went at 7:45 to the theater to meet up with the group of technicians and volunteers on this first day of building scenery, setting lights, adjusting the sound system and so on. By 10:00, it was clear to me that I would not last much longer, with my runny nose and watery eyes and feverish complexion. Although I had promised to be on hand and lead the project today, I was forced to exit early rather than risk this rather bad cold turning into something worse, like pneumonia or bronchitis.

Confident in the tight teamwork that grew as the morning progressed, I was relieved and happy to be able to leave the scene knowing that all would be well. And so it was, as I later found out in a conversation with our set designer.

As for my cold...not so much. So I can only imagine how much worse I'd be feeling if I stuck around. But tomorrow is another day, and I've got plenty of administrative stuff to do to keep me busy between naps :-)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 223: The best is yet to come

I thought it would be hard to find something to feel positive about today what with my runny nosy and sore throat. Then it occurred to me that this was actually a fabulous way to kick off the new year. After all, it can only get better!

With that pleasant thought in mind, it's back to the BBT marathon...and my tissues.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 222: New Year's Eve

Soooo happy that I did not make plans for this evening. I would have had to cancel them anyway as I've been nursing a cold all day long and have a long pre-premier week ahead of me. Things always work out for the best in this best of all possible worlds.

Here's to a fabulous 2013!

And now, back to Dickens.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 221: Underdogs

My interest in sports is limited to miniature golf and watching the occasional tennis match. Yet I'm a sucker for sports movies. I suppose it's because they are always about the victory of determination, hard work, team spirit and talent over great odds. Sports movies are among the best feel good films I've seen and today's (Miracle, about the 1980 Olypmics gold winning USA hockey team) was no exception. Left me with a warm afterglow as I trotted off to our annual holiday celebration, happy too that the temperature outside was above the freezing level and sidewalks are no longer treacherously icy.