Staying home while I'd rather be out and about is not much fun...I even had to skip dinner and the concert we had planned for yesterday evening. On the bright side, because my friends there really always is a bright side, my proclivity for creating family wherever I am pays off in situations like this. Which is why, despite my being indisposed, my friend does not have to spend her time alone. She's in the good hands of another good friend, to whom I (and my mother when she lived) refer as my "Swedish brother." They have met before on several occasions, both here and in NYC, enjoy each other's company and have been traipsing around Stockholm for a couple of days now while I try to get better. So that makes me happy.
Another bright spot in my sickly gloom are all the people out there, near and far, who are as enthusiastic as I am about Wordfeud. It's a nice way to have company without infecting anyone with my germs and a great way to pass the time when, like last night, I wake up in the wee hours with a coughing fit and can't get back to sleep. So thank you and tack så mycket ('cause I play both in English and Swedish). Oh, and I do admit to an extra thrill when (more often than not) I beat Swedish opponents ;-)