Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 171: Axelbert-Herbelson hot shots!

In these times of shifting relationships and juggling priorities, I witnessed a miraculous event yesterday. It was like watching a perfect waltz. Or catching the light just so. And it occurred to me that I'd been watching this couple dance for many years now, lifting each other and themselves.

With their permission, I will reprint here my tribute to their friendship.

For now, a photo will have to do.

Day 170: Celebration, Swedish Style

There's a wonderful tradition here in Sweden of celebrating occasions. Tonight, I attended such a celebration in honor of a newly hatched PhD (epidemiology). It struck me that what makes these occasions so special is the thoroughness of the celebration; that the person in focus gets celebrated through and through.

These occasions are marked by conviviality and humor. People go to great efforts to show their appreciation for the guest of honor's achievement or simply for being the person they are. There are speeches and stories and songs, rhymes and jingles, performances and toasts. People dress up and gather in joy. And I imagine the celebrated feels incredibly affirmed and mirrored.

Swedes can teach the rest of the world a thing or two about rejoicing in celebration.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 169: Forgetfulness, part 2

Long brunch with a long-lost friend (well, not exactly lost but this meal has been 2.5 years in the planning) followed by a little online Rummikub, and off I went to the math lab. Today, I was able to help one student understand parallel lines and I learned that a cubic meter is equivalent to 1000 liters, and that a nanometer is 10 raised to negative nine of a meter. All in all, a good session. And it turned out that one of the other volunteers lives in my direction so I had company on the way home.

All was frid och fröjd until I turned on my cell phone and saw a missed call from Bente. Shit, shit, shit. I'd blown it. I forgot to leave the key for them... embarrassing. Call came in at 6:21. It was now past 7. Quickly, I returned the call. "Shit, shit shit," I said when she answered. After a moment's hesitation as she was figuring out who it was, the laughter peeled. Naturally, Bente had figured out a solution and they were all happily ensconsed, no problem. "I'm happy you forgot," she added.

Yup, sometimes you need a reminder that it doesn't all begin and end with you :-)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 168: Happy birthday to me!

It's my birthday and the American people have made it truly special.

Four more years. Phew.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 167: Forgetfulness

No, you did not miss a day...I did. Completely forgot to blog yesterday. Well, not completely, I did remember at around 11 PM for a brief moment, after which I got engrossed in the absolutely wonderful texts that are in progress for the Assassins program. It was well past midnight when I was done reading and organizing them and went to sleep a tired and very happy camper. So I did not forget about happy, I just forgot to report about it.

Up bright and early today and off to have lunch with the other cutie and her mom. There is something about carting a baby around, blowing raspberries on her belly and making her laugh in delight that is so incredibly satisfying. And fun. And makes me happy. Thank you to all the parents who over the years have shared their kids with me. You have all enriched my life beyond measure. Keep those babies coming ;-))

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 165: Namaste

It's chilly in my apartment tonight, and I'm glad for my Dale sweater, and for the chill that invites me to wear it. It's been a long day that embraced chauffeuring and getting people settled and a long afternoon of board games capped off by dinner on the couch.

And a time of living inside my clothes. My "time off" time. Earned by a sense of accomplishment and meaning. Seized so rarely, the more sweet is the feeling.