Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 236: Perfect timing

There is nothing on earth I enjoy more than a massage. Nothing. It's the ultimate pleasure in my opinion...lying in a warm room, face down and having someone knead my sore or tense muscles. The firmer, the better.

Today's massage, a gift from one of my Swedish brothers (thank you JR!) was all the sweeter having come the day after we had to strike the entire Assassins set, costumes, make-up and props, only to build it all up again tomorrow. Afterwards, lunch at JR's by the fire and a nice chat about musicals and my fondest Sondheim memory. Then home and an afternoon nap.

Pretty perfect Saturday :-)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 234: Affirmation

From the 2012 Legatum Prosperity Index ( which incorporates traditional economic measures of prosperity with measurements of well-being and life satisfaction:

"Like Switzerland, Sweden has been placing significant emphasis on creating the conditions for innovation-led growth. The quality of its public institutions is first-rate, with a very high degree of efficiency, trust, and transparency. Private institutions also receive excellent marks (3rd), with firms that demonstrate the highest ethical behavior (3rd), supported by strong auditing and reporting standards (2nd) and well-functioning corporate boards (1st). Goods and financial markets are also very efficient, although the labor market could be more flexible (25th). Combined with a strong focus on education over the years (2nd for higher education and training) and a high level of technological adoption (2nd), Sweden has developed a very sophisticated business culture (2nd) and is one of the world’s leading innovators (2nd). Last but not least, the country boasts a stable macroeconomic environment (13th), with an almost balanced budget and manageable
public debt levels. These characteristics come together to make Sweden one of the most productive and competitive economies in the world."

PLUS Sweden currently boasts the Scandinavian premiere of Stephen Sondheim's award winning musical "Assassins"...I mean, what more can you ask for?!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 233: Out and about

Feels luxurious to be able to walk to work every day. I'd forgotten how great it is to start the work day with a brisk walk. As luck would have it, the theater is within walking distance of where I live, and not too close either. On my way, I discovered that one of my favorite restaurants in Stockholm, La Neta serving real Mexican food, has opened a branch on Söder. And I found a wedding present for Julie and Ron. On the way back, I did some grocery shopping.

The bonus? Exercise! :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Days 230-232: Post-Premiere High

We did it! After a mere 22 rehearsal days we put on a full-fledged production of Assassins. The first review came out this morning and I quote:

"Upbeat marches and tearful ballads. There are many spoken scenes and director Staffan Aspegren and his  team have really managed to get both text and music to fascinate. Ulricha Johnson, who has translated a number of Sondheim shows into Swedish, shows us that this rhythmically quite intricate syllable hunt can work dramatically."

I am proud, moved, happy. For me, this is a dream come be part of a professional production of a Sondheim musical. My love affair with Sondheims works began many decades ago when I saw my first Sondheim musical on Broadway. Never did I expect to be part of bringing one of them to life on a professional stage. Humbled. Grateful.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Days 227-229: Lordy!

It's like this folks: so much happy right now that there is no time to write about it, time enough to live it. The crowning achievement? Full page (front page!) spread in today's Culture section of the third largest Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Dress rehearsal tonight. Opening night tomorrow. A million details to attend to. Busy little bee. HAPPY!