This is it folks. Ten days left and counting. Naturally, I find myself reflecting over the year that's passed and is almost over. So, here come ten discoveries I made during this journey, one per day, in no particular order.
One: I am happy to have this written record of a year in my life. At various points in my life, I have tried keeping a journal or diary without much success. I found the effort not very gratifying and could never keep it up for more than a few days at a time. So this is the closest I have to diary. It is my intention to convert the entries, including the photos, into a PDF to keep for posterity. It will be interesting to read in sequence when the year is over and to re-read in, say, 10 years time.
Today's image is from the Math Center super duper study circle that took place in three huge tents at Kungsträdgården (of cherry blossom fame). So much fun. So much energy. And once again I met my personal learn something new myself.