Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 365: The Top Ten Hits of 365

To recap, in no particular order, here are my reflections on the year that was. Many, many thanks to those of you who followed the blog, for your comments and support. Although I did this for myself, it was really nice to know there were people following along or dropping by from time to time.

Adieu. Be well. Be happy. Be you.

1. I am happiest when I focus without
2. People following and commenting on my posts made happy
3. I have neither a more nor a less positive outlook on things today than I had a year ago
4. The great satisfaction this project has brought is having done it at all
5. I am looking forward to ending this project and will miss it when it is gone
6. I forgive myself for forgetting to post some days
7. I am happy to have this written record of a year in my life
8. Hebrew is my native tongue
9. My greatest coping mechanism is a sense of humor.
10. Planning in things that make me happy makes me happy.


  1. Hey odella,
    I was a silent reader of your blog for the last year,congrats on acheiving your goal.

  2. Jag hittade hit nu. Bloggar är alltid kul.

    Vi har nog en hel del gemensamt! Njut av stunden, glädjs och upplev all möjlig kultur och det som finns nära en. Ta en dag i sänder.

    Ett motto: Upplevelser samlar inte damm! :)
