Naturally, I was quite frustrated and annoyed with myself and the iPad and couldn't help feeling cheated out of a working tablet. For months now, I've been debating what to do. Should I take it back to the repair shop? Would I be willing to pay to get it repaired again? Should I upgrade to the latest generation iPad instead? Should I make do with my iPhone alone?
When they still hadn't called by 1 PM yesterday, I called them to get a status report. The iPad was repaired and they were surprised no one had called to inform me. Repaired? Without consulting me first? What was this fiasco going to cost me, I wondered? What I said was, "Oh," to which the person on the phone responded, "Naturally, there is no charge since it broke only weeks after we fixed it."
And they say the Swedes aren't service-minded! I picked it up today. As an added bonus, I found the bouquet of roses at the bus stop on my way home. :-D