Friday, January 25, 2013

Days 248-249: Audacity at its best

The Eugene O'Neill Theater

In its review, The New York Times describes The Book of Mormon as "blasphemous, scurrilous and amore foul-mouthed than David Mamet on a blue streak." And well it was. And very, very funny. I'm always skeptical of a show (or movie or book or art or, well, anything) that is praised beyond the moon and back. This time, I was not disappointed.

I'm fascinated by how it occurs to someone, or a group of collaborators, to pick some topics for a musical. The two most recent ones I've seen...this one and Assassins...certainly focus on odd subject matter. Whatever their motivation...or inspiration...I'm delighted to have been so thoroughly entertained.

As a bonus, I stopped hurriedly by Boston Market on my way to the theater and was able to purchase a bowl of chicken noodle soup to go. Just the thing to fight off  the (yet another) cold I'm developing. That's New York people...chicken soup and Broadway shows. Gotta love it!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 247: Culinary heaven

Over lunch today, one of my friends asked me to name the best and worst things about living in Sweden. Best was easy. Worst was tougher so I settled for what I missed a lot. Very high on the list is culinary adventures. Or even novelty. I find the food in Scandinavia devoid of imagination.

Naturally, this is relative and depends on what you compare it to. I'd venture to say that most places in the world would pale in comparison to the rich variety of eating pleasures you can have in New York. It isn't simply the variety of ethnic restaurants to be found. It is also the variety of dishes that you can find within any one ethnicity. Point in case, we ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant today. On the menu were three different types of guacamole, one (the one I ordered) with pomegranate, cilantro and pineapple. I've never seen that on the menu at any other Mexican restaurant I've ever visited. And this was not the only unique dish. And this restaurant was not an exception to the rule, and not particularly pricey either.

Perhaps the Nordic climate causes the imagination to freeze? Some would argue that Swedes in general are not particularly adventurous eaters and offering unusual combinations of flavors would not attract customers. I'm not convinced. I've yet to meet a Swede who did not appreciate good cooking. So, loosen up those imaginations folks and get cooking! In the meanwhile, I'm off to my next food adventure...happy as a clam!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 246: Count on it

Spent a couple of hours at the Museum of Mathematics in NYC today. Very hands on. And judging from the noise level in the place I would say a big success with the youngsters. Fun that someone thought to create such a museum and that parents take their kids there. The adults were equally fascinated by the variety of puzzles and experiments around.

Two details that made me smile were the door knob shaped like pi and the pizza pi slicer (complete with directions on how to calculate the pie's circumference and area). Now that's what I call having your pi and eating it too ;-))

Day 245: Variety

Shopping in a high-end supermarket in Manhattan is truly a joyous ordeal. Just one more reason why I cannot move back to New York. I would become a blimp within a year. The choices, the quality, the smells. I'm pleased with my level of discipline today as I only left with three items that I did not specifically go in to buy.

So lunch today was potato and spinach perogies sauteed with onions and served with a side of chili pepper and goat cheese spread. Heaven. Bagels for breakfast tomorrow, with the same spread. Just one more reason to wake up in the morning.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Days 243-44: Family

Two days of basking in the love and craziness of family...such joy!

I make it a point to try and attend all happy occasions and celebrations, especially when it comes to family events. We are a largish clan and somewhat spread throughout the world, yet we manage to stay in touch and make an effort to gather for important milestones. One such was the wedding of Julie and Ron which took place in Philadelphia last night. And what a joyous occasion it was!

It pleases me no end to observe the passage of time through the maturation and growth of the children in the family, many of whom are at an age to be having children of their own. I particularly like the fact that they, too, stay in touch and involved in each other's lives despite the distances involved.

As we are fond of saying, let us continue to meet under joyous circumstances!