Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 304: Consequences

The two things that are making me happy so far today are directly related to yesterday's happy:

  1. An incredibly good night's sleep from which I awakened feeling rested and refreshed.
  2. Matza brei which I haven't made or eaten in many years...YUM!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 303: A walk in the sunshine

The brilliant sunshine beckoned me out for a walk today. Three and a half kilometers later, I arrived at Kosheriet, the kosher food store at the Jewish Center. So now I am all stocked up for Passover. Not only that, I ran into the Chabad rabbi there and he promptly proceeded to invite me to his family's seder. All in all, a pretty successful outing I would say.

Here are some photos of my loot and of Stockholm thawing.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 303: Kernels of joy

Scavenging for something to eat before leaving for the math lab this evening, I found the remnants of last night's popcorn. I ate that popcorn in the dark, watching a movie on my iPad (which, btw, still thrills me...that you can take a thin screen like that around with you and watch full-length movies on it). Although I got to the bottom of the bowl, I could not see enough to pick out the somewhat-but-not-fully-popped kernels which are actually my favorites. If someone could figure out a way to pop corn so that the kernels expand just enough to break their shell but no more, I would be their biggest customer.

There were perhaps six or seven morsels left and I feasted on them, slowly, savoring every delicious (if minuscule) bite.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 302: Gone International

What can I say? Perhaps best put by my friend DW who sent me this link: "Hey Odella, just to let you know that you and the King of Bhutan are as one." I don't know much about the King so I'm not sure whether this is a good or bad thing. However, I'm tickled pink that the U.N. has followed my lead (actually, Grace Ann's lead).

Read all about it here:
Happy International Happiness Day!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 301: Nostalgia

Although I highly doubt he remembers it, this container once belonged to a former boyfriend of mine. By "once" I mean the beginning of the 1980s which I hesitate to add is more than 30 years ago. Whenever I've used it, I think of him with a smile. Chief among the many things he brought into my life was the love of food and eating.

The container (more specifically its lid) finally bit the dust but, after decades of excellent service, I couldn't quite let it go without giving it proper homage. On the bright side, I get to replace it! And those of you who follow this blog somewhat regularly (see An embarrassment of riches) know how happy that makes me! :-)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 300: Egg-citing?

The sun was shining brightly this morning and I was all set to take a long walk to counteract my extremely sedentary day yesterday. Until the snow flurries started. Sheesh.

I did venture out to the grocery store quite happy that I'd run out of bread so that I had good incentive to step out of my cocoon. Eggs were on sale so I bought those too and decided that a snowy day is a good day to egg-speriment. I'd already tried the peel hard boiled eggs by blowing them out of their shells such luck, or perhaps my lungs are just not strong enough. So today, I thought I'd give another of the tips I recently read on FB a try: baking eggs to get them hard boiled (so to speak).

The proponent of this method assures us that the eggs would taste better and be easier to peel. Hmmm...two of mine exploded in the process, none was easier to peel and they tasted pretty much like hard boiled eggs. Add the energy-intensive nature of this approach (baking them for 30-35 minutes in the oven vs. boiling for 10 minutes) I'm sticking with the good old fashioned water on top of the stove method.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! :-)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 299: Chocolate

I'm not that fond of chocolate. And the type of chocolate I do eat when I eat chocolate (that is, milk chocolate) most chocolate afficionados would not even consider chocolate.

What I do love though is frozen chocolate. Especially with hazelnuts. I'm thinking that it can't really be the taste because, as I said, I'm not really all that fond of chocolate. Could it be the crunch? But then why wouldn't, say, frozen carrots or simply ice do the trick?

Don't know what it is but whatever it is I'm always happy when I open the freezer and there it is...