Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 298: Personal gallery

Visited Erik today. He is close to 90 and quite on the forgetful side these days. Gave me pause to wonder to what extent my brain will function at his age (assuming I live that long, of course). His body is in good shape...not surprising with a lifetime of skiing, and ice skating, and cycling, and canoeing behind him. (Of these, he has only given up skating so far).

Turns out that he has a friend who stops by several times a week to check in on him. A friend who looks at Erik and sees a grown man. A friend who takes things in stride and remembers the person Erik has been. That makes me happy.

The photos are of the hallway outside Erik's apartment which Erik has turned into a gallery of his interests and handiwork. Very homey and quite inspiring. That also made me happy.

Day 297: Mamma said there'd be days like this...

...there'd be days like this my mamma said!
Silver Lining

Forgot to blog on day 297. Bummer.

Happy I remembered that I forgot though...there's always a bright side.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 296: Easter decorations

Easter comes relatively early this year, toward the end of the equally early Pesach. Hard to miss in this town with Easter feathers on sale and Easter decorations abounding. These consists mainly of twigs adorned with colorful feathers. Today, I passed by a store window displaying some in my favorite color (accompanied by yellow). Very cheerful, very Swedish. Made me happy.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 295: Good read

Potato chips, veggies and dip at my side, I spent a luxurious day with a book. Hours upon hours of reading. A hard cover book with a built-in ribbon bookmark. Borrowed from the library. The kind of book that envelops you in a world so rich and real and moving, that you wish you could step into it and meet the people involved.

When there were only about 50 pages left...I put it down. I was not ready to have it end, wanted the experience to continue. Soon after, I was pulled back in, drawn by curiosity, missing the people, wanting to see how the story resolves. Although I think I know. But still...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 294: Reliving the joy

In January, I attended the wedding of my cousin's granddaughter to her long-time beau. Weddings are always special and this one held a particularly special place in my heart. The bride and groom know why...let's just say I had a little hand in planting the seed.

Today, I watched the wedding highlights video and was soon blubbering at the memories and emotions it evoked. How lucky we are to be at a day and age when we can capture such occasions not only in photos but in action as well. And how lucky am I to have such a fabulous family and the means to share happy occasions with them.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 293: The morning after

One reason I love having people over is waking up the following day to a clean apartment, dishes washed, floors sparkling. As an extra bonus this morning, sunshine was streaming through the windows!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 292: New horizons

Today was the monthly board games Sunday at my place and this one was extra fun as I discovered not one but two new games (new for me)...and I like them both. I look forward to playing them both again and hope their owners come to the board games Sunday in April!

Category 5

Saint Petersburg