Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 271: Overabundance

Am I alone or do toiletries seem to collect in your bathroom too? Lotions, creams, soaps, shampoo, name it and I seem to have multiple bottles, tubes and jars of it all on my bathroom shelves. Some are gifts from well meaning friends (or maybe they're trying to tell me something???). Others I purchased myself during my travels when I inevitably forgot to bring some along. Still others are the products I actually use. If I were never to buy another hand cream ever again, I think I'd still have enough to last me a couple of lifetimes!

I saw a post on FB that a local soup kitchen for the homeless was being held at a nearby park today. Among the items that they specifically stated they have a need for were toiletries! At last, I had something useful to do with all those extra bottles. It made me truly happy to take a walk over to the park and hand over the goods. Right behind me was a greasy haired man who immediately asked the volunteer I'd given my stuff to if he could have some shampoo. :-)

We often hear of food drives or clothes drives or even toy drives to help the needy. Until recently, it hadn't occurred to me that items such as toiletries, tampons, razors, tissues and so on are also sorely needed. Not the stuff you'd think of immediately but it sure makes sense.

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