Basking in the afterglow of
Board Games...Yeah! my monthly gathering of game playing enthusiasts. Best part? Kicking back on the sofa with a clementine and admiring my clean home afterwards :-)

It's the age-old strategy of inviting people over so you're forced to clean. A prerequisite, of course, is that you'll only invite people over to your home if it is clean...which, hard as it is for me to grasp, I'm forced to acknowledge is not a universal truth. Me? I can't think straight when I'm surrounded by clutter, so it's pretty neat around here most of the time. And once a month, I give the place a real cleaning, then reward myself with an afternoon of fun in the company of people.
And as a bonus, I get a clean home to enjoy.
Next month, we're all going to see
Assassins afterwards. Let the games continue!
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