Chilly day hang today. Lingering in bed. Playing Scrabble and Rummikub. A fresh hot cup of coffee (ooo, I can make decaf now...thank you L) and morning ritual.

Eating some delicious cake left over from yesterday's fika and reflecting over the comings and goings in life. Having diplomat friends means facing that quite squarely. The thing you most fear really in relationships: that it will be over. And raises the age old question is really better to have loved and lost?
I don't pretend to have an answer for that one. Although I will say that I am working hard at accepting and moving forward. In any event, at least for this evening, I am filled with gratitude for the life I've been given, the friends that I've met. The path that I'm on is the one path for me. My job is to stray just enough to keep hitting adventure.
And now, that decaf! Namaste.
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