Phew. Let me cut right to the chase and say that directly after I called and ordered the locksmith to change my locks, I found out that Fotografiska had found my portfolio. I immediately canceled the locksmith and could not wipe the happy grin off my face.
Back where they belong |
It's easy to find happy when things go right. To my great delight yesterday, between bouts of unbelievable frustration (not to mention annoyance with myself), I found myself noting what I had to be happy about anyway. The portfolio/key fiasco should not, and did not, discount the fact that I had helped students at the math lab, gone for a brisk walk, witnessed the amazing view outside of Fotografiska, saw a glimpse of the
Christer Söderholm exhibition, got in a second brisk walk back to the school, managed to convince some students there to let me in through the locked doors and the janitor to open the remaining locked doors, hung out while waiting for the janitor and saw a second art exhibition in the corridors of Södra Latin and spent a lovely evening with a friend talking theater and life.
This morning, after a leisurely breakfast with said theater friend, off I went in the rain back to Fotografiska to pick up my portfolio. I took the opportunity to spend substantially more time at the exhibit and then made my way home to my warm and dry apartment, one I could open with my keys! Before I even took my coat off, I put the extra set of keys in their proper storage place, a system that works perfectly as long as I follow it. Fortunately, the lesson was not an expensive one this time. Yet another thing to be happy about!
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