Meanwhile, to steady my nerves and make me feel I was doing something constructive, I contacted Microsoft to ask how I go about transferring my Office package from my old computer to my (I was hoping!) newly acquired one. I had purchased Office a year ago through an offer we got at the company I was working for at the time. It was a great deal...if I remember correctly, it cost $10...yes, that is ten U.S. dollars.
A very pleasant Microsoft rep, referred me to the local Home Use company where an equally pleasant customer support rep provided great, eh, customer support. Naturally, she asked me for the license number which naturally, I did not know. She then searched for my record using my previous work e-mail address and, lo and behold, she found it. Ten minutes later, I had a link in my inbox to downloading the package! Miraculous, no?
All that for the outrage price of 1400 kr or $209 at today's exchange rate.
I am a happy camper!
sounds like a great day !