Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 76: Snap, crackle, pop

Naprapathy is the greatest. Next to massage.

What is naprapathy you ask? Many people ask me this, especially non-Scandinavians. The word, and the practice, originate in Czechoslovakia (when there still was a Czechoslovakia) and stem from the Czech náprava (correction) from napravit (to correct). Naprapathy combines chiropractics with manipulating/ massaging muscles. Apparently, the practice is most popular in Scandinavia which explains why basically none of my friends outside of Sweden have ever heard of it.

There is something I find hugely satisfying about having my joints cracked. This goes beyond knuckles which I crack regularly myself. The naprapath cracked my spine joints last week and I can still recreate the tremendous sense of relief and relaxation that resulted. So I was very happy indeed to read up on cracking and to discover that the notion that cracking your joints is not good for you is just an old wives tale.

Looking forward to another session next week!

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