Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 38: Napping

No sleep is quite as sweet as the afternoon nap. Snuggled up with a book under a wool throw on the living room sofa as the rain falls outside, I drift off to sleep. My dreams are usually much more intensive and memorable during this sleep and I wake up with an enormous sense of luxury.

Sometimes, like today, the nap goes into overdrive and the next thing I know, it's almost past my bedtime. What to do, what to do? Awake, refreshed, yet feeling like it's time to turn in for the night. Well, first, I will finish writing this blog. And then, I think I will continue to Pomodoro ( fridge.

Yup, that's what an afternoon nap can do for you...get you going on a task you'd otherwise be too tired to do. Those Spaniards really know what they're doing with their siestas. 'Night y'all.

The object of tonight's Pomodoro...shhhh, don't tell Ingrid, it's a surprise!

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