Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 146: Long gone loves

"Everybody's got someone that they never forget
A turn in the road with no regrets
A long gone love that never lost its shine..."

After lunch, coffee and Helen's delicious cake at my place. 
So go the lyrics to Calaisa's You Are Mine. Well, one of mine invited me out to lunch today and we had a fine time catching up on what's been happening in our respective lives. It's odd to sit across the table from someone with whom you've had a relationship that went south, especially when the end was traumatic or painful, and feel no animosity or regret...simply curiosity and warmth.

I remember when a previous relationship ended (not the one with my lunch "date" today) how devastated I felt and how it seemed the pain would never diminish. Months later I could still work myself up into a frenzy or down into a black hole. And maintaining perspective was wholly impossible. Now, years later, I very rarely even think about him...he who occupied my thoughts ceaselessly then. It's like when you finally get rid of that awful cold and are so happy simply to feel normal again.

I'm happy in my singlehood these days. And happy to maintain contact with the men who were part of my life...and still are.

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