Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 29: The World Is Revolving in Rhythm

So, more on bathroom renovering. That's renovations for the English speakers among you. These days, I speak Swenglish. It's kind of fun. It used to not to appeal to my better sense of order because it seemed so impure. More recently, I've discovered its beauty. It's like when Yiddish entered the American language.

But I digress. The bathroom is beginning to fall into place. I'm proud to say, I was able to stick to my budget AND am quite pleased with my selections. I'm aiming for functional and a new look that compliments the parts of my bathroom that I really like but with a floor that's easy to keep clean.

The sink and mirror are keepers

A place that will inspire me to look in the mirror and be proud of the reflection I see. Well, that's the plan anyway :-))

And now, off to celebrate Eva in her new flat, The Oasis.

More tomorrow...till then, I wish us happy moments one and all.

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