Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 73: Game on

Another senior moment...wrote this last night, got distracted by the Olympics and forgot to post. Yikes!

May I just say that GPS is the greatest! This is especially true for people like me who are, let's just say, directionally challenged. Or who, in plain English, get lost going around the block. Today, it helped me make my way from the commuter train station to a friend's house in a neighborhood I've never visited before. What really impressed me is the fact that it showed me the way via a network of paths that do not even have street names. Now that's exact!

But I digress...

The long-ish trip was well worthwhile as the payoff was an afternoon and evening of playing board games. If you've been following these posts or know me even a little, then you know that this is one of my favorite activities and always makes me happy. We played Trivial Pursuit today which, in addition to being informative, was also quite comical as this was the 1984 edition...i.e. almost 30(!) years old. You know, when there still was a Soviet Union. It's always interesting to see what people have or have not heard of and what I myself can and cannot remember. Wonder what it would be like to play a more recent version of this game?

On its way home to me even as I write is Scattegories which I really look forward to playing at the next Board Games afternoon, a week from tomorrow. What's your favorite board game? I need some good tips (preferably including a brief description)!

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